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News Bury St Edmunds Slot Car Club

If your into slot car racing and live in and around Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk, why not join us at one of our race meets. Race meets are held every 3 weeks on a Saturday or Sunday night from 5pm to 10pm at Great Whelnetham Community Centre, IP30 OTY. We have a 6 lane Scalextric track with a track length of 107ft and race everything from the latest NSR,, MSC and Scalextric models to trucks, go-karts and even original 1970s MK1 Scalextric Escorts! New members must be 16+ but the first night is free and we even have race ready slot cars to use if you don't have your own. If your interested get in touch and send me a message it will be great to hear from you. - Mark

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[+] 3 members Like Mark Raine's post

The very best of luck. Hopefully I can come and visit at some point. Can you post any pics of the track?

Hello and welcome Mark. Wavegreen

I did mention this to Shaun some while ago, your club is not listed on the UK club map. LINK
Just drop a line to and he will add you in. Every little helps when you are seeking new members.

Can you give actual dates as I am presently visiting B St E on an irregular basis and am usually kicking my heels on a Saturday night - and sometimes Sunday too. Would need to borrow a car and probably controller, although if you use three pin 'mini-plugs' and allow Parma and other controllers I might be able to rustle one up.

Great news. I used to race at Bury in the 1970's when the club was run by John Goldsmith, they had a wooden track in the British sugar social club. If any of you guys are on holiday in Norfolk pop in and see us at Presto Park, full details on my website. Good luck.

Had great fun last night racing with a friendly bunch of people. RECOMMENDED. If you're in the area pop along and see them. Even better, join their club.

With their OK I figured it would be worth sharing a few 'Race night' photos so you can see what the BSt E club gets up to and the GREAT BIG TRACK they run on, especially since I've come from HO.

Most impressive is how quickly they can set up. To get to this stage took just half an hour!


Here the second class of the night - Club Escorts - is about to start, the first class being Club GT's. That's Bill running the heat.


A close-up of the nicely presented grid. Run IROC style, the cars stay with the lanes, the drivers rotate.


20:55, well into the second class of racing. A drivers eye view of the faster end of the track. Vic and David on the rostrum. (Me too, behind the camera.) Just waiting for Shaun.


Bill, very calm and laid back, having entered the tenths and about to roll on to heat two.


Marshal's view of the trickier end of the track. Cars come towards you across the bridge. The turn onto the bridge is the trickiest of the lot, especially for lane one!


Mark and Shaun reviewing Vic's proposed Club class Motorbike/Sidecar combo's.


Look great don't they! Can't wait to give them a try.


If you're anywhere in the vicinity their next meeting is Sunday June 30th. Great facilities, HUGE car park and a warm welcome awaits.

[+] 6 members Like Top Down's post

The most recent meeting presented a surprise and new challenge - a different track!


There was a plan - in Vic's head.


It took a bit of head scratching Teasebut we got there in the end - and what a great track!


ALMOST ready for the off. Just waiting for the marshal. Oh - that'd be me then  Bigsmile


Time for a quick visit to the pit box for some fine tuning  Wrench


Look at that main straight! You could really open the cars up - but it soon showed where better tyre truing was required. (On my cars!)


Vic' had worked his magic on race-preparing the club trucks. Great fun with plenty of tail sliding and lots of close - very close - side by side racing.


The track from the hairpin end.  It was magic watching the cars and trucks going round here door handle to door handle.


The end?  Not quite but it seemed a good photo to finish on.


NEXT MEETING: August 3rd

[+] 3 members Like Top Down's post

August 3rd meeting and two new members are added to the roster to race club rally cars, Scalextric Karts and their own rally cars.


Nice colourful and varied grid of 'owner/driver' rally cars. The '33 Export' MSC Metro ran in 4WD mode and wiped the floor with the competion, which was nevertheless fierce.


That fearsome turn onto the bridge.


The 'Pendle-ised' Mini was great fun to drive and a strong contender - supporting the rest of the field in fourth place  Bigsmile


Getting ready for the next heat.


A close-up of that gorgeous MSC Metro.


You can just about make out all four contenders on the 'technical' (difficult!) end of the track.


After a lot of development work on Race Coordinator, which worked perfectly, it was a bit disappointing that the sound system itself failed to work! Led to some interesting ad lib sound effects from the assembled racers. (All in the best possible taste though, of course. Rofl ) 


A lot of 'Old School' cars were in evidence - hiding a lot of development work under the hood. It was surprising how well they handled and quickly they ran with just the most basic race prep allowed. Remove magnet, glue and true the right tyres and judicious use of weight in the right places. Great to see them being used! Just like 1:1 Historic racing.


The end? Well, nearly.


NEXT MEETING: August 31st  (5pm to whenever.) 

Classes: Owner/driver Saloon cars (inline with max motor rpm 20,000) Club Lorries and Owner/driver 'Unlimited' Sports, GT, Le Mans type cars with any motor and chassis.
[+] 4 members Like Top Down's post

August 31st meeting 

CLASSES: Owner/driver Saloon cars (inline with max motor rpm 20,000) Club Lorries and Owner/driver 'Unlimited' Sports, GT, Le Mans type cars with any motor and chassis


Drivers to the rostrum


Club Trucks - under starters orders.


Sports/GT/LMP class about to Go! Go! Go! - as Murray would say.


Half way through heat five of eight, Rob second from right leading David third from right, flanked by both Marks.


Mark on race control.


The other Mark (2nd right on the rostrum) driving the red car, leads Vic (1st right on the rostrum) by a car's length.


Half way through another three minute heat.


From the body language the cars are well spread out in this heat.


Above: It's a long way to the far end of the track!
Below: All lined up on the grid.


NEXT MEETING: September 28th  (5pm to whenever.) 
[+] 3 members Like Top Down's post

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